40 years ago: Renovation of Watkins building progressing on schedule

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Dec. 1, 1973:

  • John T. Andrews, building coordinator for the Elizabeth M. Watkins Community Museum restoration project, told a group today that the renovation was proceeding well, “but after 85 years you can’t possibly repair everything in one year.” Andrews told members of the Douglas County Historical Society that most of the outside of the building had been cleaned, tuckpointed and waterproofed, and the windows had been caulked, painted and, in some cases, replaced. He reported that the interior included “eight different kinds of marble, brass hardware, poured glass and handcrafted woodwork.” “When I move about the building I feel I’m in the presence of a grand, grand lady who should be revered, respected, and loved,” Andrews said. “Instead she has been abused, neglected, disfigured and all but ignored.” He added that the society and future generations should never “subject her to neglect or abuse again.”
  • In Washington, the House of Representatives voted to put the nation on year-round daylight saving, with the Senate expected to follow suit later this week. President Nixon had cited the measure as necessary to meet the needs of the energy crisis.