40 years ago: KPL releases figures on energy consumption

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Aug. 31, 1973:

  • According to a report issued by Kansas Power and Light Co., Lawrence customers had consumed 22 times as much electric power in 1973 as they did in 1940. During the same period, the number of customers had increased nearly 300 percent and the average energy consumption had increased more than 800 percent per average customer. The statistics were part of a press release intended to show the need for a new power plant. According to the report, an even greater rate of increase was projected. In 1970 the kilowatt hour consumption had been 266,324,057, but the projected use for 1980 was 754,820,000 KWH.
  • Babcock Place, the first federally funded housing project for the elderly at 17th and Massachusetts, was scheduled to open its doors this week. While all of the apartments had not yet been promised to tenants, the number of applications was causing administrators to predict the 120-unit seven-story building to be filled. Residents were to be moved into the structure on a phased basis, with the first resident to move in this week. The building had been given a thorough inspection earlier by federal officials.