100 years ago: Cooler weather moves in

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Aug. 22, 1913:

  • “What a nice cool day it was. Yes, the university weather man agreed with you that it was the coolest day that this city has known for many weeks. When he looked at his thermometer this afternoon he located the mercury only 83 degrees up in the tube and immediately declared a cold weather record. This temperature is the lowest maximum that has been recorded since the drouth and heat began in the middle of July. For almost a month previous the daily temperatures had been close up to the 100 mark and many times had passed this station. The change brings great relief and those who have suffered during the summer are in hopes that the hot spell is over and that the drouth and heat wave are safely stowed away in history now…. The change came last night while the city was asleep. Early in the evening the clouds gathered and there were signs of a deluge very soon but before long they broke up and scattered without shedding a drop. However, later in the night the change came, a high wind brought freshness from somewhere and started a general scramble for covers. The wind was accompanied by a few drops of rain, although not in a measurable quantity.”
  • “The first bargain day ever held in Lawrence looks like the most successful undertaking the merchants have had. The stores have been crowded all day and the selling has been heavy…. It has been years since trading started so early. ‘I have never seen anything like it,’ said C. E. Decker of Weaver’s, this morning. ‘Our clerks have been busy since the store was opened. This is unusual except in cases of remnant sales. We are more than pleased with the showing this morning.’ Doubtless other merchants can tell the same story. It looks as if bargain days have come to stay.”
  • “Labor Day promises to pass unobserved in Lawrence. None of the labor organizations of the town have signified their intentions of holding any sort of an observance of the day and there is little indication of anything out of the ordinary on September 2, the regular day observed by labor organizations all over the country. Lawrence usually observes the day but thus far nothing has been planned.”