100 years ago: Stolen typewriters, pilfered sacks, gambling: A busy week in the local court

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for August 14, 1913:

  • “This week has been a busy week with the local constabulary. There has been a case nearly every day before one or the other of the justices of the peace and the sheriff and police of the city have been kept busy bringing in the offenders…. C. C. Dalen, who was arrested a few days ago on an old charge of stealing a typewriter, was arraigned before Justice Wilson and a settlement accepted. He was released. Frank Cushenbury who was arrested and charged with gambling in North Lawrence, was arraigned…. Jim Scott, also arrested for gambling, was arraigned before Justice Clark and his hearing set for the 15th…. Edward Graham, who was arrested a few days ago charged with stealing some sacks from the Helm Commission Co., was arraigned before Justice Wilson and his hearing set for 10 a.m. on the 21st.”
  • “The weather man reported a temperature of 102 above. Thus the heat continues and with no sign of relief anywhere…. The nights are becoming steadily worse. At evening when fatigued and over-heated humanity seeks to take a rest it finds this almost impossible. Just now front porches are becoming very popular sleeping places, in fact this spot is much more popular than the sleeping porch. An early morning journey through the city would reveal some very amusing sights. Persons could be seen sleeping on the porches, on the lawns, in hammocks and lawn swings and almost anywhere where a slight breeze is blowing…. A thunderstorm broke this afternoon in Topeka and .59 of an inch of water fell and the temperature tumbled from 96 to 73.”
  • “Eudora today is entertaining one of the largest crowds ever seen there at the annual C. P. A. picnic being held in the city park. The drouth has caused farmers to almost suspend operations and they flooded to the picnic in large numbers, and merchants in the town closed their business houses in order to patronize the affair. Besides the three concerts played by the Vinland Military Band, a balloon ascension at 2:30 and a ball game between the Eudora boys and the Mail and Breeze team of Topeka are furnishing amusement for the crowd today. A platform dance will take place tonight…. In addition to a merry-go-round, a number of other concessions have been granted, giving the grounds the true appearance of a small fair grounds, or a carnival.”
  • “The summer session of 1913 is closed. The nine weeks’ period came to an end on Mount Oread yesterday and summer sessionists have joined the regular students in vacationing…. The summer session this year was one of the most successful ever known at K.U. The attendance was above the average and the interest kept up very well.”
  • “Further announcement will be made of two bargain days which will be held by the co-operation of the merchants and the Journal-World…. The idea of this sale is to make a special effort to bring people to Lawrence to trade during what is known as the dull season. The dates selected are August 22 and 23 and an effort will be made to reach all the territory that ought to be tributary to Lawrence. For their part the merchants are going to make attractive prices on goods, prices that will cause those reading the Journal-World to come to Lawrence to trade on these two days. Bargain days have become quite an event in other towns and they have served to bring trade that otherwise would not come. The one here will be for this express purpose.”