Journal-World seeking subjects for Obamacare series

The Journal-World wants to help our readers understand how the Affordable Care Act, which will be fully enacted early next year, affects them.

To do that, we need people who are willing to talk about how they are affected by the new health care program. We want to profile a wide range of people: from the single college student to the family of four to the elderly couple; from the individual who is unable to purchase insurance to someone who is perfectly content with their health care; from the small-business owner to a person who operates a large company. We believe that telling the stories of people in the community is the best way to inform our readers about this complex law.

If you are interested sharing your health care experiences with the Journal-World over the coming months, please contact reporter Giles Bruce at or (785) 832-7233. If you know anyone with a particularly gripping story, tell them to get in touch with us.