100 years ago: Board of Health starts annual war on flies

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 24, 1913:

  • “The annual campaign against the fly is being started by the state board of health. Dr. S. J. Crumbine, secretary of the board, is getting up the material for the fly placards and pamphlets which are sent out each spring about the assaults on the fly…. The house fly carries typhoid and tuberculosis and other disease germs, while the stable fly is the one that is believed to transmit infantile paralysis. Doctor Crumbine has developed eight effective killing methods and the active use of any will do a lot of good to the people, but are very hard on the pesky fly. Here are the eight ways of putting the fly out of business: The fly swatter, a little instrument that if property wielded ends the lives of many disease carriers. Common sticky fly paper that is quite effective and saves much labor. Fly poisons of various kinds, effective, but a dirty method. Wire fly traps, which may be made at home or purchased for a few cents, should be in every barn and outhouse. Destruction of the eggs and larvae of flies and removing of trash where flies breed. Protect outhouses from flies, keep buildings clean and use disinfectants. Keep all manure sprinkled with chloride of lime and remove it often. Keep bichromate of potash solution in dishes about stables. Very poisonous to flies, but harmless to man or beast…. ‘The man who harbors a breeding place for flies is an enemy to society,’ said Doctor Crumbine. ‘The fly is the chap who never wipes his feet when he comes into the house and those feet always carry a large cargo of germs.’
  • “The Douglas County Automobile and Good Roads Association has selected May 2 as the day for the Good Roads Banquet which it has been planning for some time. The feature of the evening will be an address by Governor George H. Hodges who has accepted the invitation of the Club to make the address of the evening…. Governor Hodges has been a good roads booster for many years. He has worked along this line in his home county, Johnson county, for a number of years and has done much good. Johnson county now has some of the best roads in the state. The governor will tell Douglas county people how Johnson county did it and no doubt will be able to give this county some good advice.”
  • “The official call for the meeting of the Kansas Equal Suffrage Association to be held in Lawrence on May 19 and 20 was issued from the state headquarters at Topeka this morning. This gathering will bring a number of women to Lawrence from all over the state and will give this city the largest suffrage session that has ever been held here. While the program is not at all completed it promises to be one of much interest.”
  • “Lawrence’s murder mystery is still a mystery. The police have been unable to locate any clue to clear up the finding of the bloody piece of iron pipe north of the Lawrence Tannery yesterday morning. A thorough search has been made but no further evidence has been found. The theory that it is a joke is generally believed about the police station.”