40 years ago: Recent inspection reveals sub-par conditions at nursing home

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 23, 1973:

  • The State Department of Health was considering revoking the license of the Wakarusa Manor Nursing Home, 1800 W. 27th Street. Richard Swanson, director of the medical facilities section of the health department, said that his office was “not locked into” a revocation order, “but this is the direction we are going.” In a recent interview, Dr. Raymond Schwegler, chair of the Douglas County Board of Health, was able to detail some of the complaints made against the nursing home after a special inspection. Schwegler said that the floors and sheets were not clean, food was improperly left out, thermometer-cleaning fluid was dirty, and “there was evidence of bugs high and low.”
  • A small fire had caused an alarm on a recent Sunday night at the Douglas County Jail. The Lawrence Fire Department had been called to the scene just after 10 p.m. when a burning newspaper was discovered in a cell on the jail’s second floor. However, the fire was out when they arrived, and County Sheriff Rex Johnson said that the blaze, which had been set by one of the cell’s four inmates, was of no consequence.
  • The weekend just ended, Easter weekend in 1973, had been dampened but not defeated by the recent wet spring weather. Although the forecast had called for thunderstorms for the entire weekend, only intermittent showers amounting to a meager .16 of an inch had fallen on the area.