Faith Forum: Would Jesus recycle?

The Rev. Matt Cox, pastor, EastLake Community Church, 2734 Louisiana St. (South Junior High):

Just like a good Wheat State Golden or Boulevard Wheat, nature is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Life and our surroundings have God’s autograph written all over them, no matter how much we take them for granted and don’t take care of them — that doesn’t change. Our surroundings, our possessions, our neighborhoods are God’s handiwork. So instead of working against that design of life, love, and community, what are we doing to work FOR it?

God had your purpose and your satisfaction in mind when He designed the world. So when you see the plains, trees, lakes and wildlife, it’s not a sign you need to align with some environmental political agenda. It’s not a sign you have to be someone you’re not.

But rather when you see what God made, it’s a sign to be thankful. It’s a sign to enjoy life. It’s a sign that even though life will always be messy, there are messes you can do something about now.

So whatever God gave you to manage, clean it up. Take care of it. Don’t live sloppy. Taking care of your surroundings is not a chore, it’s a privilege.

Recycle? Sure. The practical thing we’re tempted to take away from the reality God wants us to take care of our surroundings is “I love Jesus! I’m gonna go adopt a highway! No, adopt a state! The nation, nay, the world!”

Slow down. Doing big projects may be more than what you can realistically handle.

Some of you just need to adopt your neighborhood. Heck, some of you just need to start by adopting your house. Some of you need to start by adopting your car (aka mobile trash can).

I think I need to start by adopting my desk.

— Send email to Matt Cox at