100 years ago: Escaping the heat, KU professors take classes outdoors

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 17, 1913:

  • “Driven by the excessive heat of the fifth floor of Fraser and attracted by the shady corner of that old building, the class in German conversation under Professor Fritz Kellerman withdrew from the regulation class rooms of the University this morning and held their session on the lawn by the side of the building. This rather picturesque and decidedly comfortable method of holding University classes was introduced a couple of year ago by Professor W. H. Carruth. It proved such a success that ever since the German Department has taken advantage of the splendid weather outside and held recitations on the green campus, much to the comfort and satisfaction of all concerned.”
  • “Some miscreant stole the tulips from the yard of Mrs. Peter Hunsinger at 825 Alabama street. This looks like such a small theft and yet it is big when measured by the love of flowers…. The stealing of flowers is indefensible from every standpoint.”
  • “Herman Broeker, who has been chairman of the committee on parks and walks in the city council for the last four years and whose office expires in May, is using his last few days in cleaning up Central park. This is one of the most run down parks in the city and yet has the most possibilities for the making of a beautiful park.”
  • “Mrs. Geo. J. Barker is today distributing government seeds. Congressman Taggart has sent 500 packages of flower seeds and 500 packages of garden seeds. The seeds are being distributed today and will be planted at once. The work of the gardens is going on splendidly. The children are taking a more keen interest in the seeds this year than ever before.”
  • “Washington — Senator Works today made a vigorous attack on present day journalism in a speech supporting his bill to make it unlawful for the District of Columbia papers to publish details of crimes, accidents and tragedies. ‘Newspaper men are maintaining that they furnish this kind of news because the people want and will have it, and, therefore, it is the only way of maintaining their publications on a paying basis. If this is true it is certainly a melancholy fact.'”