Style Scout: Mike Hearson

Mike Hearson. Clothing details: shoes, on sale at Urban Outfitters, one year ago; pants, Wild Man Vintage, one week ago, 4; shirt, Arizona Trading Company, one week ago, .50.

Age: 22

Relationship status: Dating

Hometown: Coffeyville

Time in Lawrence: Five years

Occupation: Teaching assistant

Dream job: Teacher, musician

What were you doing when scouted? Playing guitar at church

Describe your style: Vintage-y chill. Sexy with a side of comfort.

Fashion trends you love: Crazy pants, boots

Fashion trends you hate: The Buckle

Fashion influences: My girlfriend

What would you like to see more of in Lawrence? I’d like for the whole city to feel more like downtown Lawrence.

Less of? Cookie cutter housing developments

Tattoos or piercings? No

Who do people say you look like? Samuel L. Jackson, or an Asian puppy

Tell us a secret … I constantly walk on my toes (my calves are awesome)