Heard on the Hill: ‘K-State’ not dead after all; enrollment numbers coming today; a KU sweep at aircraft design contest

Your daily dose of news, notes and links from around Kansas University.

• A report yesterday that Kansas State University would like to get away from the name “K-State” predictably ignited an explosion of snark from some folks with an affinity for KU. If you somehow missed it, you can check the mentions of our LJW_KU Twitter account for a taste.

But on Wednesday, K-State/Kansas State released a statement saying the university is not actually disavowing the K-State nickname, and no one should expect it to vanish.

Kirk Schultz — the president of, uh, that university — was saying the university would use the full, proper name when presenting itself to people outside the region, especially when it comes to academic or scientific subjects, the release said. He made his initial comments Tuesday at a meeting in Manhattan that included Gov. Sam Brownback and business leaders.

“We’ve been branding ourselves as Kansas State and Kansas State University for decades,” Schulz said in the release. “The nickname K-State has become common to those of us in the state and region, and we recognize the strength of being known to certain audiences as K-State.”

• A heads-up on some news to expect Thursday: KU officials have told me we can expect the release of KU’s fall enrollment numbers by the Kansas Board of Regents sometime today.

After a trend of falling enrollment totals continued last fall, officials said they would focus on making a rebound. Strategies for doing so included the addition of new renewable scholarships to attract more students.

Stay tuned on Twitter and LJWorld.com to see those numbers when they’re released, as well as to see what KU officials have to say about them.

• KU students swept the top three places in the oldest international aircraft design competition this year, as they’ve made a habit of doing in recent years.

The students placed in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Undergraduate Individual Aircraft Design Competition. The first-place finisher was Samantha Schueler, who graduated from KU’s aerospace engineering program this year and is also a graduate of Free State High School. In second place was Jorrit Vervoordeldonk, who was an exchange student in the KU program from the Netherlands. And finishing third was Alexander Lopez, another 2012 aerospace engineering graduate.

Also of note are the names of their winning designs: the “Cratus” for Schueler, the “Renosaur” for Vervoordeldonk and the “Atlas” for Lopez.

A hearty Heard on the Hill congratulations to all three.

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