40 years ago: Rainy conditions could dampen Labor Day recreation

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Sept. 1, 1972:

  • The estimates of Labor Day weekend crowds at area lakes and recreation spots were tied, quite simply, to the weather forecast. Rain had been prevalent in the area for a few days; water at the lakes was murky and fishing conditions only fair. A sudden improvement would lead to more visitors, but Perry Lake manager L. C. Myers said that this led to concerns about mud problems, as motorists would often get stuck on the back roads.
  • Kansas Power and Light Co. today applied to the Kansas Corporation Commission for a 10 1/2 percent surcharge to all Lawrence customers. The funds were to compensate for higher taxes expected for the annexation of the heavily-assessed generating plant northwest of the city. When asked why only Lawrence customers would experience the surcharge, a KPL official said that “to spread this increased cost over the entire operation of the company would be manifestly unfair to and discriminating against the 283 other communities, 48 other counties, and more than 200,000 other electric customers.”