Another fire reported at apartment complex in south central Lawrence

Fire crews responded to a fire Thursday night around 11:50 p.m. at a building of the Park 25 apartments, 2401 W. 25th St., in Lawrence. The fire was inside the interior of the building and was quickly extinguished.

Fire crews responded to another fire at an apartment complex in south central Lawrence Thursday night, which has been the area of a string of suspected arson cases.

Crews responded about 11:50 p.m. to a fire at the Park 25 apartment complex at 2401 W. 25th St., according to Mike Frizzell of Operation 100 News, the Journal-World’s news partner.

Flames were visible on a carpeted section in a common area at the complex.

The fire was quickly extinguished, and crews set up a perimeter of the area and remained on scene for several hours.

No injuries were reported.

Since Oct., 19 there have been at least other 12 fires in an area near 23rd Street south to 25th Street and from Iowa east to Naismith Drive.

Many of those fires have occurred in laundry rooms or hallways in apartment complexes. The fires have also been set inside of apartment complexes where exterior doors to the buildings are not locked.

Thursday’s fire, however, occurred west of Iowa Street, while the other fires have occurred east of Iowa Street.

The two other most recent suspected arson cases in the area occurred Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Lawrence Police Department at 830-7430, or the TIPS hotline at 843-8477.