100 years ago: Over fifty years later, Lawrence still remembers

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for May 21, 1912:

  • “This is a disagreeable anniversary in Lawrence. On May 21, 1856, Sheriff Jones raided this town, burned the Eldridge Hotel, Gov. Robinson’s residence, the Herald of Freedom office and did some other damage. The Eldridge house bears a tablet telling of its first destruction and the tablet gives the dates. Lawrence people recall this disaster with shudders yet. Those were trying times and people living here had to have hearts of steel and nerves of iron to stand it.”
  • “It is possible that the last pension bill will be the last ever enacted. The old soldiers are passing away so fast that by the time the east gets over roaring about the present one these defenders of their country will all be dead. The new law increases practically all the pensions. The old soldiers are fast filing their applications. The Journal-World trusts this law will be carefully read so that every old soldier can take prompt advantage of it. It is a good law, a just law and the old soldiers ought to get their applications in at once.”
  • “Two dairy inspectors were in Lawrence today collecting samples of the milk that is sold in the city and inspecting the dairy barns that supply Lawrence. The samples will be analyzed to determine how much butter fat they contain. If there is any milk that is not up to the standard it will be condemned and the dairyman informed. In cases where watered milk is found arrests will follow. Kansas is making a crusade for pure milk and the visit to Lawrence today is a part of this campaign.”