100 years ago: A narrow escape for KU campus building

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 31, 1912:

“An accident occurred on the hill this afternoon that was trifling in its results but which threatened the destruction of Robinson gymnasium. The trolley on the hill car ‘jumped’ the wire and the trolley struck a telephone wire overhead. The current from the trolley entered the telephone wire and rang the bell on the phone in Dr. Naismith’s office. Prof. C. B. Root who was in the office at the time attempted to answer the call but instead was greeted with an electric shock and a puff of smoke and fire from the receiver followed by fire in the telephone box on the wall. The fire was immediately put out and aside from the slight shock to Prof. Root and the destruction of the telephone there was no damage. However, had the accident occurred at some time of the day or night when there is no one in the building the accident might have resulted in a bad loss and even total destruction of the Robinson gymnasium.”

“One of the best known and also one of the best liked men in Lawrence passed away yesterday afternoon at the Rosedale Hospital when D. L. Rowlands died. Death followed a very serious operation…. Mr. Rowlands was 47 years old. There was not a man in Lawrence better to his family nor a man who made more friends for himself. Ever since coming to Lawrence he has been in the book business and in his College Book Store he came in contact daily with hundreds of students who learned to love him. The announcement that D. L. Rowlands was dead brought general grief among the student body for many did not know he was ill. Mr. Rowlands was a man who was always a good companion and above all things he held his family dear. What more could be said of any man?”