100 years ago: Newspaper ads tout steamship tickets, health supplements, new suits

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 27, 1912:

[Here are a few sample advertisements from today’s 1912 Journal-World.] “Soda crackers are extremely sensitive to moisture. Before the advent of Uneeda Biscuit the only persons who ever tasted fresh, crisp soda crackers were the people in the bakeries. Now that we have Uneeda Biscuit — we have perfectly baked soda crackers — perfectly kept. No moisture can reach them — no contaminating influences can affect their flavor — their goodness is imprisoned only to be liberated by you for you when you open the package. Five cents. National Biscuit Company.” … “Wrigley’s Spearmint Pepsin Gum. Buy it by the Box of any dealer. It costs LITTLE by the package, but LESS by the box. You HAVE it when you WANT it and you save some cash besides. It stays in good condition until used. It is a handy, healthful, refreshing pastime. It carries without crushing or becoming sticky. The breath purifying, teeth preserving, appetite stimulating and digestion aiding mint leaf juice is a friendly aid to everyone. Everyone LIKES it and children LOVE it. Isn’t it the confection you PREFER for your little ones? Wrigley’s Spearmint Pepsin Gum. The Flavor Lasts. Look for the Spear.” … “I have received 50 sample suits that will sell from $9.50 to $12.50. They are equal to any $15.00 to $18.00 suits you will find elsewhere. Come in and see. Abe Wolfson, 637 Mass. St., Lawrence.” … “Track Meet — Kansas vs. Missouri — Kansas City, March 29. Santa Fe — Official Route. K.U. Band and Boosters will be provided with Special Cars on train No. 10, leaving Lawrence at 3:54 p.m. The team goes on train 114 departing at 2:22 p.m. Special Train returning leaves Kansas City 11:30 p.m. This is the Ninth Annual Dual Indoor K.U. — Missouri Meet. Missouri Coach says Kansas has even chance to win. Go along and help the boys out.” … “Sassafras bark from young fresh-growth roots, of bright color, aromatic and a good tea maker: perhaps it would hurry up spring a little if you bought some at Woodward’s. They have also the various blood remedies and Sarsaparillas.” … “Thin, Feeble and Under-Fed people need more coal, clothes and doctors than the strong, robust and hearty. Scott’s Emulsion saves coal bills, tailors’ bills and doctors’ bills. All druggists.” … “Are YOU going to EUROPE this summer? Now is the time to make your reservation — if you want choice location. I represent a number of the best Trans-Atlantic Steamship Lines — noted for quick passage, luxurious furnishings, superior cuisine and exclusive patronage; as well as other lines whose vessels take slightly longer to make the trip but are splendidly and comfortably furnished, and set an excellent table. I will be pleased to make all your steamship and railroad arrangements, relieving you of the details. Connection made at Chicago with all lines to Atlantic seaports. W. W. Burnett, Agent, Lawrence, Kan. Phone 32.”