Keep your aging cat feeling young

Did you know that cats are considered senior citizens at the age of 11? But getting older doesn’t mean that they have to lose their spark.

Wendy Diamond, “Animal Fair” editor-in-chief and national television pet lifestyle contributor, has some great tips for making your favorite feline’s twilight years golden ones.

Keep Feline Minds Active

Aging commonly impacts cognitive function. Older cats may become bored or disinterested in activity, so it’s imperative to keep their minds active and engaged in order to stave off the trappings of old age, like senility or depression. Incorporating exploration and problem-solving into your cat’s daily routine will keep your cat’s intellect as sharp as their claws.

Adjust the Nutritional Plan

Older cats have delicate digestive systems, and their ability to extract nutrition from their food begins to diminish. Pet parents need to make sure that the food that their aging feline consumes is composed of quality ingredients bursting with nutrition.

Visit Your Vet

This may seem like obvious advice, but frequent trips to the veterinarian’s office can keep your cat feeling young and vibrant. Many people attribute behavioral changes in older cats exclusively to the aging process; while some elderly cats will naturally slow down, this isn’t always the case. Always consult a medical professional when your cat acts odd and never assume that new, altered or strange behavior is something that a pet parent can turn a blind eye toward.

By staying on top of your cat’s health, you are infinitely more likely to catch a potential problem before your cat has the worst of it.

Increase Agility

Consider how you can rearrange your home to suit your cat’s needs. Place ramps leading to your cat’s favorite places and treat your cat to a daily massage to stimulate healthy musculature without putting too much pressure on their paws. This approach to feline fitness will leave your cat agile and amiable; plus, it makes for quality time.