40 years ago: City staff rush to Topeka to save Lawrence jobs

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 10, 1972:

  • The Kansas House of Representatives had voted 58-52 to kill a bill extending a local-option half-cent sales tax beyond the present expiration date of December, 1972. This decision had immediately endangered the jobs of 42 city policemen and firemen in Lawrence. After an early-morning city commission meeting, City Manager Buford Watson and Commissioners Bob Pulliam, Nancy Hambleton and Jack Rose had left for Topeka to meet with legislators and to urge passage of another bill to extend the local sales tax authority.
  • A local business was recovering this morning after a fire of unknown origin had apparently started in a pile of cardboard and paper and had then spread to the building and contents of Warehosue Furniture, 1547 E. 23rd Street. It was estimated that the business had suffered thousands of dollars in damages, but the firm’s owner-manager, Warren Thompson, said that the store would be open for business by the weekend.