Family planning

To the editor:

It’s unfortunate that folks such as Craig Tucker, Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius continue to contribute to misunderstandings in the public arena on teachings of the Catholic Church regarding family planning. There is absolutely nothing in church teaching that requires or encourages couples to have as many children as possible.

The church views marital relations holistically in terms of both their life-giving and love-giving aspects. The Catholic Church teaches responsible parenthood and that couples may regulate the births of children but without resorting to artificial contraception or abortion.

Having taught hundreds of couples a natural method of family planning developed by international medical professionals and promoted worldwide by the church, we can testify that such natural methods are just as effective as any chemical or mechanical means in regulating births with the added advantage of assisting many couples who have difficulty in becoming pregnant. By the way, Ms. Pelosi, it is not the “rhythm method” — that was discarded over 40 years ago.