100 years ago: Mayor pushes for completion of street projects

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for June 25, 1912:

  • “If Lawrence could borrow a good steam roller, it could be used to advantage on the streets. Mayor Bishop stated at the council meeting last night that work that is being done on the streets, alleys, sidewalks, etc. is to be pushed after this. Work has been delayed this spring on account of the lack of equipment — hence the need of a few rollers and other things to carry the work to completion. It is the intention of the mayor that streets now torn up shall be put into good shape as soon as possible.”
  • “From present indications it seems that the weekly half-holiday plan will soon be realized. The Federation of Women’s Clubs, which has been agitating the matter for some time, has secured the signatures of thirty-five Lawrence dealers, who have agreed to suspend business on Thursday afternoons during July and August providing other business men do the same. This would mean a half holiday each week for merchants and employees during the hot weather and would be a splendid thing if generally carried out…. It was suggested that as the women do perhaps four-fifths of the buying, they are the ones to take the initiative in this matter, so a committee was appointed to confer with the merchants. This committee has finally finished its work, having met with a cordial response from most of those interviewed.”
  • “A Lawrence man was given well merited honor when the Victoria Memorial Museum at Ottawa, Canada, the national museum of Canada, secured the services of Charles H. Sternberg to take a party of men in the Red Deer river region, in Alberta, to hunt the remains of the gigantic animals that inhabited the earth millions of years ago.”