It’s a special night for Bieber

Justin Bieber gets his first network special, “Justin Bieber: All Around the World” (7 p.m., NBC). The teenage Canadian singer, discovered on YouTube and mentored by Usher, will wear a special “Justin-cam” to reveal how life unfolds from his celebrated perspective.

”World” will offer a behind-the-scenes look at his international tour, whisking the popular singer through seven countries in 12 days as he thrills fans with songs from his new album “Believe.”

The latest in a decades-long succession of boyish, inoffensive pop stars sporting astoundingly similar hairdos, Bieber would not be out of place in the pop pantheon of his fans’ parents or even grandparents. In fact, when Charles Laufer, the founder and publisher of Tiger Beat magazine, died last year, one of his obituaries noted how the Tiger Beat stars of the 1960s and ’70s — Bobby Sherman, David Cassidy and the Monkees — all bore striking resemblance to Justin Bieber, the Tiger Beat cover boy of the moment.

Bieber will also be on “Late Show With David Letterman” (10:35 p.m., CBS) tonight, along with comedian Michael Ian Black.

• Tattoos, once the province of sailors and itinerant carnival workers, have become ubiquitous means of self-expression. But unlike questionable hairdos or outrageous clothing, they are indelible and more painful to remove than apply. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that these “artistic” choices are often made under the influences of intoxicating spirits and peer pressure.

Is it any wonder that “America’s Worst Tattoos” (9 p.m., TLC) has arrived with a pathetic parade of ludicrous skin art? One woman interviewed here passed out thinking she was having a glowing moon inscribed on her lower back, only to awaken sporting something that her friends described as a sad and angry version of the Cookie Monster. Apparently, her tattoo artist was a heroin addict between fixes. According to our unfortunate victim, the woman sporting the hot needle just wasn’t “high enough” to get the job done right.

Others’ tattoos reflect perfectly executed versions of very dubious, and immediately regrettable, choices.

Tonight’s other highlights

• Charlie’s chances improve on “Saving Hope” (8 p.m., NBC).

• The Heat hosts the Thunder in the 2012 NBA Finals (8 p.m., ABC).

• Michael takes on a drug cartel on “Burn Notice” (8 p.m., USA).