News Center being remodeled to facilitate employee relocation
Remodeling is under way at the Journal-World’s News Center building at 645 N.H. to accommodate a relocation of company employees.
A First Management construction crew is making alterations to the facility so that employees in the business office, circulation, human resources, classified advertising, advertising and Sunflower Publishing departments currently housed at 609 N.H. can move to 645, where news and IT employees already are located, beginning in September. Eventually employees from Mediaphormedia LLC, currently housed in the old Reuter office building on New Hampshire Street, may move, freeing that facility for commercial leasing.
Company officials pointed to staff downsizing over the past several months and also noted that after Sunflower Broadband was sold to Knology of Kansas in 2010, broadband employees vacated space both at 609 and 645 N.H.; sufficient room now exists to accommodate almost all the company’s employees in the three levels of the historic facility at 645. Press, some production and corporate staff will remain at 609.
Also, as part of a plan to re-emphasize a digital and local focus, Mediaphormedia, which created the internationally accepted Django Web framework, released 10 employees and will phase out its commercial software operations to serve only the company’s specific internal needs. The change was announced to employees and clients earlier this week.