100 years ago: Drinking water served on trains may be contaminated

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for June 6, 1912:

  • “Much of the drinking water that is being furnished the patrons of the Kansas railroads is impure, according to the results of investigations that have just been completed by N. P. Sherwood, acting state water bacteriologist. This report was made today to the state board of health at Topeka. Two weeks ago Mr. Sherwood was instructed by the state board to visit various cities in the state and take samples of the water found on the trains that entered these cities and traveled over the state. He visited Kansas City, Kansas; Wichita; and a number of other cities taking a total of 78 samples of water…. In several cases Mr. Sherwood examined the supply of water and found that it was much better than that drawn from the water tanks on the trains which led to the conclusion that the greater part of the trouble results from the handling of ice and the care of the coolers. Persons handling the ice should use clean tongs, should have clean hands and clothing and should use only clean water in washing the ice, otherwise contamination is sure to follow.”
  • “Almost as soon as commencement was over the summer session at the University began. Last exercises of the closing school year were held yesterday and the short term began this morning. This is the tenth annual summer school and from present indications will be the largest one.”
  • “Clyde Maris, the University student who was injured in a motor cycle accident about a month ago, is able to be out again. Physicians resorted to skin grafting to heal the wounds and this method of treatment proved a complete success.”
  • “The picnic is on this afternoon at Woodland Park and the boys and girls are scarce in town. The little folks crowded the cars out to the park this afternoon to enjoy the afternoon’s fun that was prepared for them. The little folks were all enthusiastic over the day’s outing and all were having a great time. There were plenty of cars to take care of them and plenty of older folks to look after them both on the cars and out at the park. The afternoon was filled with fun and amusement for the picnickers as the park was thrown wide open to them.”
  • “Lawrence took on a very military aspect this morning when a number of regular army officers and men passed through here. The officers are from the federal post at Leavenworth and are off on a week’s hike across the country. They passed through this morning on their way south to the town of old Franklin where they will camp over night. Tomorrow they will start on the return trip.”