40 years ago: Oklahoma oil man declares business partnership with God

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for June 1, 1972:

In a story from our neighbors to the south, an Oklahoma City man was ignoring orders from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to stop offering interests in his oil venture. Claiming a partnership with God, the man had responded to the commission with a letter stating, “We are the great God Almighty and Alan Hammer, the Lord your God and his holy petroleum geologist. We are going to drill some million-barrel oil wells. There is no power in existence, anywhere, that can stop us. We shall finance and drill our holy oil wells as we see fit.” Hammer went on to say that his deal was open to “good white men and good Indian men of God’s choice” and explained that an “angel of the Lord” would appear to the chosen investors and direct them to send $500 to “a God and Hammer enterprise.” Although the letter to the commission purported to be from “Alan Hammer and God Almighty,” only Hammer had signed it.