100 years ago: ‘Suffrage play’ to be performed in Lawrence; wheat harvest completed at Haskell; new baseball uniforms arrive for Lone Star team

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 29, 1912:

  • “Friday night, August 9, has been selected as the date for the suffrage play ‘How the Vote was Won,’ which is to be produced by the Douglas County Equal Franchise League. Woodland Park has been selected for the place…. Much interest is being taken in the play here and the indications are that it will be witnessed by a good crowd of Lawrence people. It is a novel way of campaigning which is proving to be quite popular. The selection of Woodland Park is also a popular one owing to this being a cool, pleasant place for the spectators. The theater is well ventilated and just the place for a play at this time of the year.”
  • “The Lone Star baseball team celebrated the arrival of their new Spaldings Saturday afternoon by taking a double header attraction. The first game was won from Pleasant Grove by a score of 2 to 1. They took the second 17 to 3 from the Brubaker boys. The Lone Star team is playing great ball and in addition to this their new suits make them look all the more like ball players. They claim the best suits in the country along with the best ball team.”
  • “Six weeks from today has been set for the official opening of the Lawrence City schools. The term begins a little earlier than usual this year, leaving only another month and a half of vacation for the city boys and girls. Many of them are already anxious for school to begin. Soon many of those who are out of town will be returning from their vacations and on the second Monday in September, hundreds of boys and girls will once more be gathering their books together and going back to school.”
  • “The wheat harvest has just been completed at the Haskell Institute farm. Ninety acres of the field produced 30 bushels per acre while five acres of the field equaled forty bushels. This wheat was planted, cultivated and harvested by the Indian boys of Haskell Institute.”
  • “A. D. Weaver returned yesterday from a fishing trip in Colorado. H. B. Bullene and a number of other men were in the party. Mr. Weaver reports a great time although high water interfered very much with fishing. However the party made a number of good catches.”
  • “Leonard Frank of Minnesota University will be assistant coach at Kansas University the coming year. The deal was closed Saturday that brings the Minnesota star athlete to Kansas University to assist Arthur St. Leger Mosse in the development of K.U. athletics on the gridiron and diamond next fall and spring.”