40 years ago: Challenger accuses state AG of grandstanding in drug raids

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 1, 1972:

Robert E. Hoffman, who was seeking the Republican nomination for state attorney general, this week accused the current holder of that office, Vern Miller, of using state money to gain election-year publicity through drug raids, such as the one occurring a few days earlier in Lawrence. Hoffman argued that the “carnival atmosphere” of Miller’s raids made convictions “extremely difficult,” adding that Miller’s “use of over 70 officers to arrest 20 or so drug users and capture but little evidence as the cost of thousands of dollars per raid to the taxpayers shows no sign that Miller is getting at the source of any hard drugs coming into Kansas.” Replying the next day, Miller said, “I have yet to ask a reporter to write a story about me or what we do, but if I am asked as to my activities, I will be truthful.” He added that a drug raid “draws publicity because it’s newsworthy.”