Heard on the Hill: Alpha Tau Omega fraternity returning to KU; fertility expert exercises caution on new stem-cell research; it’s already time to apply for graduation

Your Leap Day Edition of news, notes and links from around Kansas University.

• The University Daily Kansan reports that Alpha Tau Omega fraternity has re-established a charter on campus. Lots of good information there, so you should go read that first.

The fraternity had been on campus for a century before it lost its charter in 2002 because of a hazing incident, the newspaper reported.

Their old house, at 1537 Tenn., is being leased to Pi Kappa Phi fraternity today. Zack McQuiston, the fraternity’s former president, said the fraternity doesn’t have a house now but has a long-term plan to move back to its old house.

I also tried to piece together some information on the hazing incident mentioned in the Kansan. I did find this 1997 article from the Journal-World, which said the fraternity was “under investigation” for hazing activities, including allegations of “forced boxing matches among fraternity members.”

This online forum seems to reference a Kansan article from 2002 that said it lost its charter after failing to recruit new members after being forced to remove 30 members from the house after the 1997 incident.

• A KU expert has been making the media rounds after research led by a biologist at Massachusetts General Hospital claims to have taken stem cells from human ovaries and generated egg cells from them.

That could be a big development for people looking to treat infertility, but a KU expert has been arguing for caution.

David Albertini, an expert on female reproduction at KU Medical Center, has been quoted in many articles I’ve read about this, including this one from The New York Times.

Albertini has said that while the initial study is impressive, it’s still got a ways to go before it can be shown definitively that it will produce eggs ready for fertility.

Even if the research is validated, he told the Times, it will probably be used to create egg cells for research, as cells grown in the lab can have a tendency develop abnormalities, he said.

• And, in case you needed one more sign that the year was flying by, Thursday marks the deadline for undergraduate students to fill out their application for graduation forms.

If you’re a senior reading that and freaking out because you haven’t done it yet, here’s something that walks you through it.

• There’s never any deadline to submit tips for Heard on the Hill. I’ll take whatever you’ve got at ahyland@ljworld.com any time, day or night.