40 years ago: Sunday beer sales defeated in Kansas legislature

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Feb. 15, 1972:

The Kansas House today defeated a proposal to legalize Sunday carry-out sales of 3.2 beer. The vote was decisive at 62-26 against the Sunday beer sales. Rep. John Bower, R-McLouth, had quoted beer industry estimates saying that Sunday sales would add $370,000 a year to state revenue from the tax on 3.2 beer. He said he had computed this to be 2.5 million gallons of extra beer per year, or 50,000 gallons additional each Sunday. “That’s a lot of beer,” Bower had said. “It’s going to have a lot of influence on the people you’re going to meet on the highway on the way home Sunday evening.” Rep. Ted Lindahl, R-Plevan, agreed, saying that most legislators were aware of the number of fatalities caused by drunk driving and adding that Sunday sales would increase availability.