100 years ago: Full-page ad suggests electrical appliances for gift-giving

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Dec. 8, 1912:

[Advertisement] “Christmas Suggestions in Electrical Appliances. — It is remarkable what Electricity is doing for the modern housewife. The drudgery of her duties has been almost entirely eliminated and comfort after comfort has been added within the last few years by this greatest of all agents. Anything that heat, light and power can do, these things are now done by electricity. The nicest thing is that any of these appliances can be added to any home that is lighted by Electricity by simply attaching the wire to a light plug. Below are shown a few of the conveniences that your home should contain.

  • THE TOASTER. If you are a lover of toast, this will appeal to you. Crisp, fresh toast, hot from the toaster, just as you want it. Make it while eating the meal. The Toaster has proved one of the most popular appliances.
  • THE ELECTRIC WASHER. How many housewives would do their own washing if they had no heavy turning or no hard work to do to turn their clothes out clean and white. Everyone knows how unsatisfactory it is to send the washing out and yet washing is such hard work. Do not do either. Get an electric washing machine. There is nothing that has been invented in electric appliances that has saved the woman of today what the Electric Washing Machine has, and it costs very little to run it. Remember that.
  • ELECTRIC WARMING PAD. Have you got cold feet? Are you one of those unfortunate beings who is cold-blooded? If you are, and there are lots of us in the same boat with you, you should have an electric warming pad.
  • ELECTRIC CURLER. Anything that is an addition to my lady’s toilet is welcome in every home where there is a woman. No more smoked and broken chimneys and no more burned fingers where the Electric Curler is used.
  • THE ELECTRIC IRON. Everyone irons. There is no home where some ironing is not done. If nothing else then it is the fine waist or the lace handkerchief that is not trusted outside. For this nothing is better than the Electric Iron, while for regular ironings, think of the steps saved and the time that used to be wasted with old irons. The Electric Iron is always at just the temperature you want and the ordinary family ironing can be done in one-half the time with an ‘Electric.’ If you haven’t one, see that Santa leaves it at Christmas time.
  • ELECTRIC FOOT STOVE. Do you have to sit in a cold room? Do you hunt ducks? Do you have long trips to take in the buggy or auto? If so, you need a foot stove.