25 years ago: Time capsules turn up in unexpected place

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Aug. 22, 1987:

Dirt hills at a construction site on East 21st Street had turned out to be a site for buried treasure as some neighborhood boys made some interesting finds there. The four Shoup brothers — Luke, Pat, Chad, and Jim, ranging in age from 8 to 15 — had found several baby-food jars stuffed with notes and memorabilia from Kennedy School sixth-graders from 1976. Teachers Margaret Barlow and Mary Anne Crane had initiated the project to celebrate the nation’s Bicentennial; the jars had originally been buried around an oak tree planted by the schoolchildren. The tree had since been cut down by vandals and the remains (and the jars) had been carried away by bulldozers this summer as a new addition to Kennedy was being built. The dirt had apparently been moved to the nearby construction site, where the boys had found the jars while dirt-biking. Teacher Mrs. Barlow said today that she was glad that the jars had not been forever buried under the new Kennedy addition and that she might plan an assembly this semester so that current Kennedy students could see the time capsules and their contents.