100 years ago: LHS Junior Prom a big success

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 27, 1912:

  • “Most assuredly the annual Junior Prom given last evening by the members of that class of the Lawrence High School was the most successful that the school has ever known. In the first place the big new feature of the occasion was that the Prom was given at the High School buildings instead of at a downtown Hall…. Of course the most elaborate feature of the evening was the farce given at the High School proper called ‘A Case of Suspension’ and was the best farce of the kind ever given in High School circles, while for that matter the college students have done no better…. The other part of the evening was spent with a reception in the upper hall of the Manual Training building. The dining room was beautifully decorated…. The dainty refreshments were served by the girls of the refreshment committee and every detail when to show that the class of 1913 has large ideas and did not spare the expense.”
  • “The case of the engineer in Kansas City who was attacked with a queer malady called ‘The bends’ is a former K.U. football star. He is O. K. Williamson who played with Bert Kennedy and Arthur St. Leger Moore. Accompanied by I. F. Lindsay, foreman of the work, Williamson went to the bottom of a caisson at 5 o’clock recently. The inspection was made, and the men were shot back to the surface in a pneumatic tube. Two minutes after they left the tube Williamson fell to the ground, groaning with pain. His muscles became tense and Lindsay, who is an old bridge worker, knew at once that the engineer was suffering from the ‘bends.'”
  • [Advertisement] “Many good people this spring ‘cannot afford to be sick.’ Their earnings are so small they must be careful to keep their expenses down. They know by experience the great usefulness of Hood’s Sarsaparilla in preventing disease by building up the system, and they show ‘common sense’ in taking this great proprietary medicine for their run-down condition at this time. Thousands find Hood’s Sarsaparilla perfectly satisfactory in the treatment of impure blood, lack of strength, that tired feeling, loss of appetite, scrofula, eczema, rheumatism and catarrh. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla this spring.”