100 years ago: Suicide discovered this morning in city jail

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 26, 1912:

  • “Lying flat on the floor with a small piece of chalk line drawn tight about his neck and fastened to the iron lattice side of the cell, Alexander Dahlene was found dead in the city jail this morning shortly after seven o’clock. He was placed in the jail yesterday afternoon intoxicated…. It is the opinion of the Coroner that Dahlene was a victim of drink. He probably awoke this morning and realizing his situation decided to end his existence. The effects of the liquor, together with the weird and lonely aspect presented by the interior of the old jail probably overcame the old man and impelled him to do the deed that ended the struggle… Dahlene was a stone mason and the cord used was a piece of the line that he had in his pocket.
  • “Mrs. M. F. Williams, who has been connected with catering to the wants of the public for many years, has leased the Central hotel and will open the dining room tomorrow. She expects to run the hotel upon a much larger scale than it has ever been run before and will call it The Savoy. The Savoy will be refurnished throughout with attractive new furniture and will take its place among the better hotels of the state.”