Legal bigotry

To the editor:

Shame on the Kansas Legislature for creating and forwarding the Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act. This bigoted law essentially legalizes discrimination based on sexual orientation and will override the anti-discrimination ordinance of Lawrence.

The “right” to discriminate under this new law would extend not only to businesses, but to any institution or person offering services, such as universities and individual teachers. Landlords, restaurants, doctors and insurance agencies could presumably refuse to do business with lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender residents under the guise of protecting “religious freedom.”

My question: Why does this law’s bigotry stop at the LGBT community? Why strip American citizen rights only from our LGBT friends and loved ones? I’m sure there are those who believe the Bible frowns on women working outside the home. Why not allow the option to fire or refuse to hire women? Non-Christians? People of color? The answer is that if these groups were included, this legislation would be seen for the radical, bigoted, draconian, un-American piece of garbage it is.

The targeted LGBT population is not politically strong enough, even with its burgeoning number of supporters, to block laws directed against them. And though these laws will surely be proven unconstitutional and struck down in the future, it will only be after more suffering among this persecuted population. Shame on the Kansas Legislature for using its power, not to guide our society into further enlightenment, fairness and freedom for ALL citizens, but to push it backwards toward ignorance and bigotry.