100 years ago: Storms leave aftermath of bad roads, feed shortages

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 2, 1912:

  • “The country roads out of Lawrence are said to be in very bad condition at present owing to the recent heavy snows and rains. Farmers living close to Lawrence also report that they are short of feed and owing to the bad roads are unable to haul it in from farmers farther out who have it for sale. The Lawrence Paper Mill company has been in receipt of many requests for straw to be used as feed to tide the farmers over until the roads dry up. They would feed this straw to their horses and cattle.”
  • “It is something unusual for a young pullet to lay an egg five and seven-eighths inches around one way, and seven inches the long way of the egg. This is what Mrs. Estella Fincher found to be a fact when she gathered the eggs last evening. Mr. Fincher is a carpenter and he measured the egg correctly.”
  • “A fish is on display at the Bigelow Court House Grocery that was taken from Peterson’s Lake. The fish weighs 18 pounds. There are many fish in the Peterson lake.”
  • “One day this week a horse belonging to I. J. Gray disappeared from in front of the Presbyterian church. At first Mr. Gray thought the animal had strayed but now he is convinced it was stolen.”
  • [Advertisement] “‘What Did My Wife Ask Me to Do Today? She made me promise to get something — but I can’t remember just what.’ Are you going home to disappoint your wife? Or have you a telephone in your house that enables you to ring up and find out what you’ve forgotten? Call The Missouri and Kansas Telephone Company.”