100 years ago: Local electrician nearly killed on the job

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 1, 1912:

  • “Narrowly escaping having a 4000 volt shock go through his body, John Henderson, an electrician of this city, only has a badly burned hand as a result of the accident. Henderson is an expert electrician for the Lawrence Electric Light Company and one of his duties is to attend to the lights about the city. Last evening about nine o’clock one of the lights on Ontario street was not working right so Henderson went out to see what was the matter. He took hold of the cable that shifts the light up and down and as he did so received a severe shock. By some strange freak the force of the shock threw Henderson aside so that only his hand was burned. Ordinarily the shock would have killed a man instantly. Of course his hand is badly burned but there probably will be no serious results.”
  • “A Lawrence man was going home last evening carrying a bag of oranges. Finally he noticed that a timid looking sort of fellow was following him keeping rather close behind him. At last it made him nervous and turning he asked the fellow what he wanted. ‘Well, sir, you see you are spilling oranges out of that bag. I guess you have dropped at least four. They are back there down the street. I thought I would tell you about it so that you won’t lose any more.'”
  • “Considerable interest has been manifested recently by many of the farmers and dairymen of Kansas in legislation pending in Congress to prohibit the coloring of oleomargarine, their contention being that to permit the coloring of oleomargarine in imitation of butter would be detrimental to the growing dairy interests of the state.”