100 years ago: Undeliverable mail coming to post office

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Sept. 24, 1911:

  • “Why Not Decorate? President Taft’s coming to Lawrence is a signal of honor to the town. The people should show their appreciation by decorating along the route by which the President will go to the University…. Everyone who can should put out flags along the route over which the Presidential party will go. It will show the President that not only are the people glad to see him, but that they are glad they are citizens of the country fo which he is the head. ‘Decorate.'”
  • “The general delivery at the post office is greatly congested just now on account of the large volume of student mail that comes in without proper address. Much of this is addressed ‘care University,’ and such mail can not be delivered, save at the general delivery. In order that mail be delivered, it should be addressed to the street and number.”
  • “The turn towards cooler weather has started the ducks from their summer haunts in the north and a few flocks have been seen to fly over already. A number of local sportsmen have caught the fever and have been on the trail of the feathered game but as yet few have been shot. However, with continued cool weather they will soon be here in large numbers.”