100 years ago: Lawrence woman turns tables on mysterious attacker

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Sept. 18, 1911:

  • “This morning a woman got in a cab and went to a certain house in Lawrence. There she called for a well known young woman and before that person could reply the stranger, who said she was from Kansas City, pulled out a small whip and attempted to strike the Lawrence girl. The latter, however, was too quick, and seizing the whip she began giving the other a forcible punishment. The stranger had left the cab at the corner and started to run for it, but not before the Lawrence girl had used the whip on her severely. The Lawrence girl still has the whip. What was the cause of the attack the Lawrence girl can not imagine as the woman did not explain further than she was from Kansas City. After the cab disappeared no trace of the woman could be found in town today. If the Lawrence girl can find out who the woman is she will prosecute her.”
  • “It is no staff of amateurs that will publish the University Kansan, the college newspaper, this year, for the young men who make up the staff on the paper are all students with real experience at the game. All summer of the United States the University of Kansas has been represented by her students who have made good on the staffs of some of the best known papers in this country.”