100 years ago: New towel law may affect KU classes

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Sept. 8, 1911:

  • “What has become of G. A. Hardy of Baldwin, Kansas? That is what is troubling his folks at home and what his son, D. E. Hardy, was trying to find out in Lawrence this morning. Mr. Hardy left his home in Baldwin a week ago last Tuesday telling his wife he was going north. Since then she has heard nothing of him and his whereabouts and is greatly worried about him…. The old man is a horse dealer and it was supposed at that time that he was coming to Lawrence to buy some horses or transact some other business. He came to Lawrence quite often, but never remained away from home for more than a day before.”
  • “Students who are preparing to enter the university and take work on any of the departments requiring experimenting in the laboratories will probably have to add a towel to their equipment before they can go on with their course. At least that is what seems to be a certainty from present indications. The new state law placing the ban on the roller towel, where everyone mopped his hands after the work was done will force a change in the methods at the university. Paper towels have been suggested as a possible solution of the problem but the state of Kansas has made no appropriation for the purchase of this toilet article. It would cost the university about $2 a day for paper towels should this method be employed.”