100 years ago: Praise for Lawrence’s Social Service League

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Nov. 25, 1911:

  • “It was rumored today that there are abundant gas fields at Bartlesville and Pawauska, Oklahoma, that are at present idle. According to the story these fields are at present capable of producing 150,000,000 cubic feet of gas daily, but that in the report made yesterday at Kansas City by Prof. Haworth these fields were not taken into consideration at all. The fields are now idle because the gas is not needed in that territory and there are no pipes in the field at all.”
  • “The annual Thanksgiving service will be held in the Christian church on next Thursday at 10:30. Dr. W. A. Powell will preach on the ‘Christian Spirit of the Social Service League.’ Dr. Powell is deeply interested in the work of the social service league and will deliver a discourse that will show the work that is being done in Lawrence. The league is supported entirely by voluntary contributions and it is hard work to keep it going. The league is doing such splendid work that the good people of Lawrence ought to think it a privilege to help it along.”