Pakistan puzzle

To the editor:

We are all trying to decide whether or not we should support Pakistan, or if Pakistan is a friend or foe. The reality is that Pakistan is on the verge of becoming a theocratic state controlled by right-wing Muslims. Those presently in control are caught between a rock and a hard spot as they attempt to placate the Muslim extremists, maintain a democracy, and stay friendly with other civilized nations.

Every time our state department or military attempts to influence this delicate balance we seem to create more problems for those we are trying to support. But the fact is we cannot influence or control Pakistan’s destiny. The people of that nation must determine their own future. If they want to lose their freedom and slink back to a primitive theocratic state, there is nothing we can do to prevent it.

If you want to envision how complicated this is, try to imagine what it would be like to maintain a responsible, democratic nation if the right-wing Christian Conservatives and the Tea Party gang actually controlled more than 50 percent of our government. Freedom as we know it would become a fond memory.

The fact is we do not have the money, power or right to dictate values. We obviously want the people in Pakistan to continue their democratic state, but it is their state and their struggle.