40 years ago: Federal government plans to eliminate wild hemp in Midwest

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for May 2, 1971:

  • In Washington, D.C., the Nixon administration was planning to wage war on wild weed. The Agriculture Department would receive an $85,000 allocation from the Justice Department, which would then be turned over to farmers to help pay costs of eradicating marijuana “growing wild in farm fields and hedge rows across 10 states, mostly in the Midwest.” There had been no official announcement of the plan, which was acknowledged by Agriculture Department officials only after repeated questioning from a reporter. The campaign was tentatively named WHEP, or Wild Hemp Elimination Program.
  • Work was moving rapidly on the paving projects on 15th Street and Kasold Drive. By the end of the day, Westside Construction Co. of Kansas City was expected to have two of the four 15th Street lanes paved from Kasold to just west of Crestline, where the existing pavement started.