Always campaigning

To the editor:

People say Obama “dithers.” Nonsense. He’s not dithering; he’s campaigning. He’s never stopped campaigning since the 2008 election cycle. Obama makes every decision, sometimes after days or weeks and endless input from his large group of advisers, in order to ensure he does not further infuriate his base and not too terribly upset the remainder of Americans.

Lately, it has taken Obama an inordinate amount of time to speak out on anything from Japan’s nuclear plant crisis following the tsunami to what to do about Libya. Social Security? Soaring gas prices? The budget? No problem, stay silent and head to Latin America. Remember Obama’s record of voting “present” as a Illinois state senator? Well, that should’ve been everyone’s first big clue as to what he would be like as president. The budget and the stimulus? No need to worry, for Joe Biden’s heading up that fiasco.

But I will hand it to Obama. He has tried hard to keep his solid left-wing base happy by speaking out about the Wisconsin labor dispute, or Arizona’s illegal alien fight or even by promising to wipe out the Defense of Marriage Act. He figures this won’t upset anyone’s apple cart too awfully bad. He’s thrown so many Democrats under the bus over things like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) that it’s all he can do now to keep his approval ratings from plummeting even farther. Expert campaigner? Yes. Good leader? No.