UFO Reykawvik Summit probes alien topics
From alien abductions to mysterious cattle deaths to nuclear weapons, speakers at this weekend’s first UFO Reykawvik Summit did not lack interesting topics.
“Ufologists” from all over the country descended on Liberty Hall, 644 Mass., for three days of discussions on the extraterrestrial at an event organized by Lawrence resident Daniel Lauing.
There’s never been a greater need for awareness raising about UFOs and alien life forms, Lauing said.
“We’ve got thumbs in our ears,” he said.
As Lauing spoke to about 150 spectators Saturday morning, he warned that the first speaker would touch on some controversial topics.
“This is a hot potato. Nobody wants to touch this,” said Lauing as he introduced Butch Witkowski, director of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania.
Witkowski’s presentation — gruesome photos included — focused on cases of dead humans and animals, particularly cattle, who’ve been injured in such mysterious ways as to suggest nonhuman abduction and experimentation.
Witkowski said his motivation for investigating UFO sightings, possible alien abductions and the paranormal is simply to “find the truth.”
Impressed by the knowledge base displayed by crowd members who peppered him with questions, Witkowski said the event was a great opportunity for people in the area to network about investigations.
“I think there’s a great number of people out here in the Midwest who have a lot of information to share,” he said.
The event continues through this afternoon. For more information, visit ozufo.net. Click here for a Lawrence.com feature on Lauing.