100 years ago: Prof. Dyche promises to stock KU’s Potter Lake with ‘millions’ of goldfish

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Mar. 15, 1911:

  • “Gold fish, millions of them, sixteen inches long and weighing four or five pounds will fill the waters of Potter Lake on the University campus, according to Prof. Dyche, state fish warden. The lake will be stocked with enough gold fish that students may go down to its edges and dip them up — if they can catch them. ‘Potter Lake is an ideal little aquatic pool and millions of brilliant variegated fish sporting about will add materially to its beauty,’ said Prof. Dyche this morning. ‘In our hatcheries we have glorious big fellows, sixteen inches long. They will get to be as big in Lake Potter, and if fed by the students will become tame as swans. If the Co-eds will go down to the lake daily and throw the little fellows cracker crumbs, they will become so gentle and tame that they will flock around visitors in perfect schools.’ Prof. Dyche was in Lawrence for a short time this morning to visit his office in the university and see how many of his possessions had been destroyed in the Bowersock fire.”
  • “The Aphrodite Society is an organization of Lawrence women who have submitted themselves to reproduction in plaster-Paris casts, in order that they might drape their new garments over these statuesque forms, and ‘make the most perfectly lovely dream of a fit you ever imagined.’ Nine women who were going to have a replica of their forms reproduced from the shoulder to the patellas assembled yesterday. After the cast was scientifically plastered over their corsage, each had to stand perfectly still for an hour while the cast hardened. Unfortunately the modiste did not use enough sodium chloride with the mixture and it failed to harden in the proper period. Some of the women stood the strain for more than an hour and then two of them promptly fainted.”