Scouting news for March 12, 2011

Cub Pack 3064 held its annual Blue and Gold Celebration Feb. 26 at the Eudora United Methodist Church. A potluck meal was enjoyed before the presentations.

Braden Hayes, Ender Isenburg, Caleb Lord, Garrett Shoemaker and Steven Young received their Tiger Cub rank badges. Nathaniel Criqui, Brett Freisberg, Logan Labelle, Aaron McDonald and Benjamin Thorne received their Wolf Cub badges. Cubmaster Aaron Lathrom, assisted by den chief Dakota Coble, led the group in special cheers and presented the rank badges and belt loop and arrow point awards.

Special certificates of appreciation and volunteer awards were presented to Christen Coble and Amanda Isenburg (Tiger Cub den leaders), Jerry Criqui (Wolf den leader), and Aaron Lathrom (Cubmaster). Special awards were given to parents who helped with the recent Pinewood Derby, the pack’s den chief, Cubmaster, Unit Commissioner, Chartered Organization Representative and Tiger den moms and dads.

Members of Boy Scout Troop 64 and Scoutmaster Glenn Jackson attended and participated in the traditional Dessert Bake-Off. Scoutmaster Jackson came in Native American costume and spoke as Scout leader “Akela.” Rod Zinn, Scoutmaster from Troop 61 in Lawrence, was a guest of the Isenburg family. Scott Gates from the Pelathe District made a presentation for the Friends of Scouting campaign.

First- through fifth-grade boys interested in joining Cub Scouts in Eudora may call John Scott at (785) 542-3510 for more information.