100 years ago: Williamstown to get its first bank

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Mar. 11, 1911:

  • “Within ninety days Williamstown will have its first bank. Business men and farmers in that vicinity subscribed $10,000 stock in the Williamstown State Bank yesterday, and application has already been made to the secretary of the state for a charter. Work will be commenced this week on a brick bank building to house the new concern. Work will begin within a week, and the institution will be in its own home within 90 days. Williamstown people have always done business with Lawrence, Perry and Oskaloosa banks, and the institution is certain to be a great convenience.”
  • “There is a general exodus of K. U. students to Kansas City today. The annual Jayhawker-Tiger track meet in Convention Hall tonight is the attraction which is taking the rah-rahs out of town. The Santa Fe special was crowded today noon, and a large delegation plan to go up after laboratory hours this afternoon. The track team was given a rousing enthusiastic rally in the chapel last night and left today with hopes of capturing enough points to win the meet.”