100 years ago: Advertisements address household needs and women’s ‘agonies’

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 23, 1911:

[Advertisements] “A Poor Weak Woman, as she is termed, will endure bravely and patiently agonies which a strong man would give way under. The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice free of charge and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M.D., President, Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. Pierce … has had a wider practical experience in the treatment of women’s diseases than any other physician in this country. His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and delicate women is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL.” … “An Electric Iron enables anyone to iron in cool comfort. One iron does all the work. We gladly send them to you on 30 days’ free trial. Lawrence Railway & Light Co.” … “Morning Headache. Eat a light breakfast of easily digested food, then take a dose of Hood’s Pills. This simple treatment usually clears up the head in an hour, and gives a feeling of health and strength all day. Take Hood’s Pills.” … “GOOD MEAT FOR THE HOT WEATHER. Our meat is always good, a trial order with us means a steady customer. If you appreciate cleanliness, call up THE COURT HOUSE MEAT MARKET, Will Johns. Prop. Both Phones 81.” … “3 Doz. Clothes Pins, 5 cts. Jaedicke Hardware, 724 Mass.” … “Spot Cash Grocery, 828 Massachusetts St. 18 lbs granulated sugar, $1.00; 3 cans green beans, 25c; 6 cans oil sardines, 25c; peaches, per can, 15c.”