Get involved

To the editor:

Melinda Henderson (Public Forum, July 12), quoted Matthew 25:42-45 correctly. However, she missed the point of the verse, in my opinion.

“For I was hungry” — YOU gave; “I was thirsty” — YOU. The “you” is us as individuals not Gov. Brownback and the SRS program, not President Obama and the welfare program.

There are several churches in Lawrence that come to the aid of their members and, in some cases, the community at large. I imagine that they are limited by the funds that they have at their disposal. Since only 10 percent of us attend church on a regular basis (whatever that means), the burden is great.

Melinda, you can donate your time, your money or both to The Leo Center/Heartland Medical Center, Catholic Charities, or one of the churches that helps individuals. Call Pastor Luckey; I’m sure that he can use some help. These faith-based programs are very personal and efficient, unlike our government programs. Let us get involved.