Faith Forum: What, other than religion, defines how you see yourself?

The Rev. Maria Campbell, pastor, Central United Methodist Church, 1501 Mass.:

Family has always been integral to my self-understanding.

I was raised in an immigrant family, learning to find its way in a new country. Gathering as a large extended family was a weekly occurrence and critical to maintaining our traditions in the new world. As a child, I thought that was how all families were because we lived in a neighborhood of immigrants and first generation American children. My family tried to incorporate American traditions into our holidays. It took decades for the new celebrations, such as Thanksgiving, to become family traditions.

I was raised with a deep appreciation for the freedom that we enjoy in this country because my family fled from a fascist regime. I was taught to be proud of our new homeland and that it was a privilege to live in America. As a teenager, I wanted to be “freed” from some of our traditions. I rebelled against the absolute demands of our family togetherness.

When graduate school took me across the country, I came to realize how deep my familial roots are. My family contributed greatly to defining who I was and how I viewed the world. As clearly as my understanding of unconditional love comes from my relationship with God, my understanding of loyalty and familial responsibilities come from being raised within a close-knit family.

Family members stand by one another in good times and bad. Family members hold one another accountable so that the good of all family members is considered in decision-making. Most importantly, nothing changes your being part of the family.

With family, no matter how long you are gone, you will be always be welcomed and embraced upon your return. I know that my ability to love and to accept others was woven in the heart of God and given expression in my large Italian-American family.

— Send e-mail to Maria Campbell at

The Rev. John McFarland, pastor, Christ Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church, 2312 Harvard Road:

First, a word about the funny word “minister”: Who is “the minister” at your church?

Which Christians are involved in “ministry”? In their cases, when do they cease “ministering” to take up something else?

I hope these questions point those who are united to Jesus by grace through faith toward the much-neglected concept of vocation (“voca” from Latin, having to do with the mouth or voice). Vocation = calling, and with every calling comes a caller. God creates, equips, then calls all of His people into service.

So next time somebody says that they are in “full-time Christian ministry,” respond: “So you are a plumber, an engineer, a nurse?” I get paid to preach, pastor and teach (I’m glad of that). But when I am “off the clock” (a tough challenge for all pastors), I am still “on call,” not so much by a flock as by the great Shepherd of all sheep.

If you are in Christ, then so are you. “We are not our own!” I am a husband, father, grandpa and friend. I like to read (history and current events). I fail often, but there’s this house on some land, crying for my daily attention. I take my turn at dirty dishes and laundry. I care too much about televised sports; I must keep that in balance, but this does not mean a “man of God” eliminates entertainment altogether.

Yet I’m certain, all things were created by, through, and for Jesus, and are thus to be administered by his stewards for his glory. Like you, I am constantly challenged about the lordship of Christ over all things. I rejoice to have this template by which to judge all things, most specifically the daily stewardship of my own life and times.

— Send e-mail to John McFarland at