100 years ago: Frozen pipes for Lawrence residents; overnight prisoner brings smallpox infection into city jail

From the Lawrence Daily World for Jan. 12, 1911:

  • “‘Twas cuddle up a little closer weather last night and nobody is more keenly aware of it than Lawrence. All morning the plumbers have been answering frantic calls from homes where the house holder was frenziedly trying to save himself and family from a watery grave. Although Lawrence was duly warned, many people neglected to drain their water pipes and the latter retaliated for the neglect by freezing up and running all over the floor. The weather moderated shortly after 2 o’clock this morning with the result that pipes which had previously frozen, melted enough to flood the bath rooms. The city gas supply stood the strain moderately well, there being plenty in all homes for breakfast and a little warmth in the living rooms.”
  • “Harkening to the piteous plea of a half frozen hobo last night will probably cost the city a hundred dollars. A shivering tramp was given free bed in the city jail away from the biting cold, and this morning he had developed a virulent attack of small pox. [Officials] concluded that the pest house was not a fit place in which to confine even a specimen of the genus hobo, so arrangements will be made to quarter him in a room of the old county jail building. If consternation reigned at police headquarters it was nothing as compared with the panic which prevailed among the other inmates of the city prison. There are five prisoners confined in the jail for various petty offenses. Dr. Keith herded them in the corridor and fumigated the jail thoroughly. This afternoon they are being vaccinated. The hobo gave his name as Jas. Wilson. He must be cared for by the city from three to five weeks and the five prisoners in the jail must be kept at least three weeks to see if any germs have lodged in their systems.”